Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Beatabet Residency (2008)

Images from my time at the Beatafarm during the 2008 residency in August.

Final image shows one of the instruments I built while attending.
Recordings will be produced soon.

I Can Hear the Heart Beating As One (2008)

Modified trumpet

The title references American rock group Yo La Tengo

Displayed as part of "Between Your World and Mine"
The Truman Brewery London

What Burns Never Returns

Two modified drums, resin, leaves, matches
(Now Stolen)
One drum is filled with resin and leaves are cast within, the other was to be filled with matches, both were intended to be be used in a performance.

The title refernces American math rock group Don Caballero

Displayed as part of "Between Your World and Mine"
The Truman Brewery London

The Sky is A Harpsichord (Kerze) (2008)


Multimedia Installation - A hollowed out log houses guitar strings and an electric pickup, the video and audio presents the sounds and actions as the instrument is destroyed with an axe.

The title Kerze references both the painting by Gerhard Richter and the Sonic Youth album it was used as cover art for.

Displayed as part of "Between your World and Mine"
The Arts Institute at Bournemouth and the Truman Brewery London (2008)

For Dinner... (2007)

Multimedia Installation - A violin bow is propelled across the strings of a home built electrically ampified instrument with the use of a home built longbow, the sound and actions are recorded and presented to the audience in the video.

The title references the piece by the group "Slint" but also artist duo Juneau/Projects who referenced the piece "Good Morning, Captain" featured on the same album.

Sand Glitch (2007)


Collaborative installation with Emily Draper
Exhibited in Bournemouth Lower Gardens as part of "ARTificial" 2007

Fish Without Bird Series (2005)

Two of a series of sculptures of fish.
Title based on the composition by Tom Waits.

Photography Post

Illustration Post


Fish and Bird - Hard Ground Etching (2005)


Dr Doom - Ilustrator (2007)
Collaboration with Christopher Jepson

Tombo Marker

A small selection of my illustrative work.